I have been using MPE for many years to back up my Samsung Galaxy Note3 (Android 5) to my desktop on Windows 10 Pro (and have never needed to restore).
Now I am replacing my mobile with a Xiaomi 11T Pro (Android 11) and I have a problem I cannot solve.
I have been using MPE for several years and have accumulated scores of notes in the MPE Notes application on Samsung Galaxy Note3. How do I transfer all notes to the new device?
Using the PC, I tried to replace the notes.db file on the Xiaomi with the one on the Note3 but by opening the MPE notes application the database is restored with the empty one of the new mobile phone.
If anyone can suggest a solution I would of course be very grateful - and thank you in advance.
In this way:
1) I have deleted the MyPhoneExplorer cache and data on the new mobile phone;
2) I replaced the notes.db file on the new mobile phone with the one taken from the old mobile phone;
3) I started Notes MPE and now on the new mobile there are all the scores of notes I had written over the years on the old mobile.
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