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 Appointmen Duplicates - iCloud Calendar Nächstes Thema anzeigen
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Anmeldedatum: 13.04.2020
Beiträge: 3

BeitragVerfasst am: So Jul 19, 2020 09:44 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

Hi there, cant see anything recent on duplicates.

I think this is actually an issue between the Android phone and iCloud but I thought perhaps some of our members might have encountered it.

My icloud Calendar is 'connected' to my PC Outlook 365, iPad Calendar and the Samsung A20.
I've just had to run the Sync for iCloud Calendar App on the A20 to set it up again as it had 'mysteriously' disappeared... Google 'playing games?'

A20 - Calendar App
The phone just has the iCloud Calendar selected as My Phone, My Calendar.
Samsung and Google Calendars OFf although Google Contacts is selected.

MPE File - Settings - Sync Events and Tasks set to Only My Phone Explorer.
Calendars to Sync set to just My Calendar (not Samsung or Google)

Running MPE, it suddenly downloaded a load of duplicates which I then see are on the phone. Download Entire does the same as Sync.

My Outlook does not show any duplicates in the iCloud calendar.

So, I take it this is an issue between the A20 and iCloud?

But now the phone is corrected - The issue was with sync for iCloud calendar having 'lost' my Apple Account. I added that back, then went to Settings - Accounts on the phone, selected the Apple Account and ticked My icloud calendar (as a I see it named in Outlook and on the ipad). Then back to the calendar app, turn off the Phone - My Calendar and select My iCloud calendar....

The issue I have left is that MPE is full of stuff - duplicates from the original.
But I think these are from the Phone - My Calendar so should be deletable...

Any other advice on how to 'purge' the phone please?

Best Regards


Best Regards


Zuletzt bearbeitet von stephen.browning am So Jul 19, 2020 10:25, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
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Anmeldedatum: 19.11.2010
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Wohnort: Sunny Cornwall ...

BeitragVerfasst am: So Jul 19, 2020 10:02 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

What I would do is wipe the calendar storage on your phone (AFTER ensuring that their is nothing on your phone that is not in the icloud version!!). Do this in settings > apps (show system apps) > calendar storage > Storage > clear cache/data (similar for contacts if that is also a problem).

That will clear your entire calendar. Then check that the time/date are correct on all your devices and sync your calendar as normal.

Carpe diem ...
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Anmeldedatum: 13.04.2020
Beiträge: 3

BeitragVerfasst am: So Jul 19, 2020 10:30 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

Hi dvttm - thanks for that, sorry my edit crossed with your reply. Just cleared the Organiser Appointments in MPE and the Phone is fine - still has all and only all the iCloud Calendar items.

And I remembered to set New calendar entries on the Phone to go to my iCloud calendar.!!

May have to work out how to get MPE to Download those iCloud calendar items...

Although to be honest, that isnt really necessary.
I run MPE on the same PC as my Outlook 365. So I always edit the Calendar from Outlook, the iPad or on the Phone. Not via MPE; that is more useful for managing Contacts, Notes, Messages, Call Logs and for Phone Control....



Best Regards

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