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BeitragVerfasst am: So Apr 16, 2006 02:52 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

Got a k300i yes i know its old but whut do ya expect in bosnia anyway hers the problem i connect the phone MPE reconizes it all fine it refreshes all things expect the files ewen tho i added to refresh files at startup when i do this i get an obex error i tryed already take out battery reinstall all stuff MPE worked for some time i managed to upload some files sum ppl told me to do a factory reset on my phone but im afraid if i do so il lose the files i uploaded i tryed sony ericsson-s file mannager it doenst work too i uninstalled it coz some ppl told me its crap and it makes sometimes ur phone not work with any kind of connection here are the settings i got at MPE

COM port 20 ( i used a high number tought port is already reserved or so..)

Baud Rate 9600
com port rate is 9600 i already tryed rise booth till max rates booth same walues i tryed all of them nearly (yes yes im sad and tired)

OBEX packet size 2048 (dunno if i should change this but i think i tryed it out already

oh yea and here is the LOG debug file

Logdatei MyPhoneExplorer
Programmversion: 1.3.3
Datum: 4/16/2006

02:35:18.82 Setting Port: 20
02:35:18.82 Setting Baud: 9600
02:35:18.82 Avaiable Ports: COM1=\Device\Serial0; COM20=\Device\Serial2;
02:35:18.84 frmSplash geladen
02:35:19.50 Mainfenster wird geladen
02:35:19.75 Sidebar fertig geladen
02:35:19.75 Aktiviere Subclassing
02:35:19.78 UC SMS wird geladen
02:35:19.82 UC Phonebook wird geladen
02:35:19.95 UC Phonebook fertig geladen
02:35:20.03 UC Organizer wird geladen
02:35:20.17 DoItemupdate
02:35:20.18 Terminberechnung fertig
02:35:20.20 DoItemUpdate fertig
02:35:20.26 UC Filebrowser wird geladen
02:35:20.34 UC Notes wird geladen
02:35:20.37 UC Calls wird geladen
02:35:20.38 UC Calls wird geladen
02:35:20.56 Port 20 wird geöffnet...
02:35:20.57 Puffer werden gesetzt...(8192)
02:35:20.57 Einstellungen werden aufgebaut...
02:35:20.57 Einstellungen werden gesetzt (9600, N, 8, 1)
02:35:20.59 Settimeout: RT=1000 WT=100
02:35:21.09 Port 20 wurde geöffnet !
02:35:21.09 [TX]: AT+CGSN

02:35:21.10 [RX]: AT+CGSN
02:35:21.10 [RX]: 357909006477427
02:35:21.10 [RX]: OK
02:35:21.12 Settimeout: RT=10000 WT=5000
02:35:21.12 [TX]: AT+CGMI

02:35:21.13 [RX]: AT+CGMI
02:35:21.13 [RX]: Sony Ericsson
02:35:21.13 [RX]: OK
02:35:21.15 [TX]: ATI

02:35:21.15 [RX]: ATI
02:35:21.15 [RX]: K300 series
02:35:21.17 [RX]: OK
02:35:21.17 [TX]: AT+CSCS="UTF-8"

02:35:21.18 [RX]: AT+CSCS="UTF-8"
02:35:21.18 [RX]: OK
02:35:21.18 Alle Verbindungsaktionen beendet
02:35:21.18 DoItemupdate
02:35:21.18 Terminberechnung fertig
02:35:21.21 DoItemUpdate fertig
02:35:21.25 DoItemupdate
02:35:21.25 Terminberechnung fertig
02:35:21.26 DoItemUpdate fertig
02:35:21.28 SMS - Datenbank wird geladen...
02:35:21.34 [TX]: AT*EOBEX

02:35:21.35 [RX]: AT*EOBEX
02:35:21.35 [RX]: CONNECT
02:35:21.35 OBEX Connect: 2048 Bytes Paketgröße, Target: ùì{Ä•<Ò˜NRT Üž
02:35:21.35 [TX]: 80 00 1A 10 00 08 00 46 00 13 F9 EC 7B C4 95 3C 11 D2 98 4E 52 54 00 DC 9E 09
02:35:31.35 Rückgabe ReadFile: 0 - angefordert wurden: 3 Bytes
02:35:31.35 [RX]:
02:35:31.35 Lesevorgang fehlerhaft ! - Systemerror: 0 [The operation completed successfully.]
02:35:31.35 OBEX Disconnect
02:35:31.35 [TX]: 81 00 03
02:35:41.35 Rückgabe ReadFile: 0 - angefordert wurden: 3 Bytes
02:35:41.35 [RX]:
02:35:41.35 Lesevorgang fehlerhaft ! - Systemerror: 0 [The operation completed successfully.]
02:35:44.73 OBEX Disconnect
02:35:44.73 [TX]: 81 00 03
02:35:54.73 Rückgabe ReadFile: 0 - angefordert wurden: 3 Bytes
02:35:54.73 [RX]:
02:35:54.73 Lesevorgang fehlerhaft ! - Systemerror: 0 [The operation completed successfully.]
02:35:54.95 OBEX Disconnect
02:35:54.95 [TX]: 81 00 03
02:36:04.95 Rückgabe ReadFile: 0 - angefordert wurden: 3 Bytes
02:36:04.95 [RX]:
02:36:04.95 Lesevorgang fehlerhaft ! - Systemerror: 0 [The operation completed successfully.]
02:36:05.00 Mainfenster fertig geladen
02:39:34.23 OBEX Disconnect
02:39:34.23 [TX]: 81 00 03
02:39:34.23 [RX]: A0 00 1F 10 00 11 14 CB 00 00 00 01 4A 00 13 F9 EC 7B C4 95 3C 11 D2 98 4E 52 54 00 DC 9E 09
02:39:44.23 ReadFile Fehler: Systemerror: 0 [The operation completed successfully.]
02:39:44.26 Port 20 wird geschlossen
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 15.02.2006
Beiträge: 31668
Wohnort: Tirol

BeitragVerfasst am: So Apr 16, 2006 07:09 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

Hmmm - the phone answers too slow. Do you have saved alot of stuff on your phone ? Please also tr the app "K700 Dateimanager" (search on Google. I wonder if this app can handle this slow connection.

How you try to connect ? Via Datacable ?
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BeitragVerfasst am: Sa Mai 06, 2006 02:17 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

yes wia data cable ima try that app u sugested
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