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BeitragVerfasst am: So Feb 26, 2006 00:55 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

Sent SMS - Time info

It's not possible to get the "send date and time" from phone if the message wasn't send directly from MyPhoneExplorer. Of course, the timestamp of sending is shown in the phone, but there's no way of getting that out from it - its a unsolvable glitch. At incoming SMS there are timestamps from SMS Service-Center, at outgoing SMS this timestamps are missing.
This is also a problem with other phones and software and isn't a problem of this software.

But if you want to edit the correct sending date and time, just rightclick on that message, select "properties" and then click on "No Indication" to edit the sending date and time.
Otherwise MyPhoneExplorer will read the timestamp of copying the message to the Archive-Folder to set this.

Since version 1.6.0 it's possible to edit / correct SMS date and time by doubleclick it in listview.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von user_deleted am Do Jul 05, 2007 03:48, insgesamt 5-mal bearbeitet

BeitragVerfasst am: So Feb 26, 2006 01:15 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

Command line parameters for MyPhoneExplorer

It's possible to manage more than one phone with MyPhoneExplorer.

If you want to connect different phones or phones on different COM-ports, you can start MyPhoneExplorer with some parameters:

id - Userdata of your phone (use foldername from fitting phone, see subfolder from C:\Programs\MyPhoneExplorer)
port - Select the fitting port to which your phone will be connected
baud - Select the baudrate

• Copy the link to MyPhoneExplorer
• Rightclick the new link and select properties
• Append the above shown parameters to the startcommand
• Repeat this for all phones you want to manage with MyPhoneExplorer

For Example:
C:\Programs\MyPhoneExplorer\MyPhoneExplorer.exe id=k700 series [123456789098765] port=4 baud=256000
C:\Programs\MyPhoneExplorer\MyPhoneExplorer.exe id=Sony Ericsson K750 [987654321012345] port=9 baud=921600

To find out the right ID for another phone, first change the settings for the new phone, connect and see what folder was created by MyPhoneExplorer.

New since version 1.4:

Since MPE version 1.4 you can change user/phone direct from the menu.
For that connect each phone once a time with the correct settings and/or COM-port. When done, there would appear an new menu item for choose.

New since Version 1.5.8:

You can control MyPhoneExplorer also during it is running. Just start again MyPhoneExplorer.exe with one of the following parameters:
action=exit - close MyPhoneExplorer
action=connect - initiate connection to phone
action=disconnect - close connection to phone
noautoconnect - never initiate the connection directly after start of MPE
action=sync syncitem=multi - start Multisync, other possible values for syncitem: phonebook, organizer, calls, messages, clock and files. If you send files without further parameters then MPE will start all saved Filesync-Jobs. To set the jobs to sync you can do it like this: files:Testjob1;Testjob2
action=setprofile profile=1...7 - sets the choosed profile in the phone
action=phonecontrol - show the window "Control phone"
action=dial - opens the "Dial-Window"
action=dial number=012345678 - initiate a call
action=sendmessage - opens the window "new message..."
action=sendmessage savetosent=1 number=0123456789;453827684;7365465 text="Hello%nWorld" - send a message. You can also set more than one receiver, just seperate it with semiclon. The text must be inside of quotation marks. Linebreak is represented with %n
action=upload files=C:\Test.jpg|C:\Test1.jpg - Upload files to the phone. If you upload more than one file then you have to split the paths with | .
action=directcommand command=AT+CHUP - Sends an AT-Command directly to the phone. AT+CHUP f.e. ends an active call. Please use with care, MyPhoneExplorer only transfers the command to the phone without checking if its valid.
action=switchuser imei=01234567891234 - Load another Userprofile in MyPhoneExplorer (since v1.7.3)

Besides this you can add a flag so that MPE will close after it has processed the actions. Example: action=sync flags=closeafteraction syncitem=multi

Another flag is noerrmsg. With this flag MyPhoneExplorer will show a error not as message, instead you get it as Tray-Balloon Example: action=sync flags=noerrmsg syncitem=multi

Zuletzt bearbeitet von user_deleted am Do Mai 18, 2006 13:57, insgesamt 8-mal bearbeitet

BeitragVerfasst am: So Feb 26, 2006 01:23 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

Sorting / display options of contacts

To display more columns for your contacts you can rightclick on the columnheader and select the fields you wish to show/hide from context menu.
Leftclick on the columnheader to sort this column in ascending/descending order.

On some phones, i.E. the K750i, there's an option in the phone to set the order for syhnchronisation:
Contacts > Options > Advanced > Sync.order.
There you can choose "by first name" or "by last name".
This option will take affect in which way MyPhoneExplorer will interprete the contact's name.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von user_deleted am Mi Mai 17, 2006 23:32, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet

BeitragVerfasst am: Mi März 01, 2006 01:47 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

Possible connections to MyPhoneExplorer

IMPORTANT: If you want to connect a Android-Phone then take a look at this FAQ!

There are four possibly ways to connect your phone with MyPhoneExplorer:

- serial cable
- Bluetooth
- Infrared

In each case (except serial cable) one ore more virtual COM-ports will be installed by the SE phone drivers on which MyPhoneExplorer will be able to communicate with your phone.

Peculiarity at USB in combination with K750/W800:
In case of USB pay attention that the approriated phonedrivers must be installed. For Windows98 SE there are NO drivers available. These drivers are only available for Windows2000 and WindowsXP.
Further be sure that the right COM-port is named "... USB WMC Modem" or "...USB WMC Data Modem". These two ports are NOT listed in Devicemanager of Windows.
If the drivers were installed correct and your phone is connected with cable, the right port will be shown in selectionlist of MyPhoneExplorer.
For example: COM4 - K750 USB Port

If you are using a Windows Media Center Edition, it could be possible that the file "ehtray.exe" blocks the correct COM-Ports. Just exclude this file from autostart (Run-msconfig).

Peculiarity at USB in combination with W810 and most other newer models:
If you plug the phone via USB, the phone shows a menu with two options: File transfer or Phone mode. If you want to access the phone with MyPhoneExplorer always use Phone mode.

Peculiarity at Bluetooth:
- For bluetooth connections (i.e. with WIDCOMM software), if necessary you have to add a new COM-port as client application. In next step you have to activate this COM-port to make a connection possible.
- With Toshiba bluetooth stack, be shure you have paired your PC and phone and the serial service has the status "connected".
imortant: if you use Toshiba's Stack version 3.x, there's a known bug within XP after some MS-updates. This bug will allow a BT-connection only once. If you will end MPE and restart again, there will be an error until you restart windows. If possible update Toshiba-Stack to version 4.x.
- With Micorsoft bluetooth stack (available in XP SP2) you have to use the port for "outgoing" direction.
Please note: You cannot use COM1 or COM2 for a new serial service in any way, because this ports are reserved for internal RS232 handling.

If you are not sure which port is the right one, please connect your phone and use the internal "Search device" function in options menu or try to find a fitting port with SetupCOM

If There's no way to find a fitting COM-port, in most cases following steps will help:
- with cableconnections: disconnect cable from phone
- turn off your phone and remove accu for about 1 minute
- while waiting restart your computer
- turn in the accu and restart your phone
- with cableconnections: reconnect cable
- with bluetooth: start bluetooth, be sure your phone is visible and the virtual COM-port is activated
- with infrared: start infrared, place your phone in front of PC's infrared adapter and wait until Windows has found the device
- start MPE, go to "Settings" and press "Search device"

Zuletzt bearbeitet von user_deleted am Mi Jun 06, 2007 23:39, insgesamt 8-mal bearbeitet

BeitragVerfasst am: Mo Apr 10, 2006 23:17 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

Appointments / birthdays not possible before Jan, 1th 1970

In older Phone models it's not possible to type in a appointment or birthdate before Jan, 01th 1970.
This is not a problem of MyPhoneExplorer but is based on the SE's firmware which doesn't allow dates before that one.
The only way to type in such a birthday is directly from a contacs information in your phone.
If you'll try to add a new appointment before 1970 the phone will correct the year after typing in the third digit.
Internal the phone (and MyPhoneExplorer) uses the "additional field" to store the correct year.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von user_deleted am Di Sep 18, 2007 23:19, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet

BeitragVerfasst am: Do Jun 22, 2006 22:58 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

Doing calls from MyPhoneExplorer with PC headset (using Bluetooth audio-gateway)

Just one more tip (it's working and tested with Widcomm bluetooth stack and a K750i):

- connect your phone to MPE via USB cable
- start bluetooth on your phone
- on bluetooth trayicon select "fast connect" and choose "audio gateway"
- search your phone at "other devices" (only the first time)
- when done, you should be notified in a balloontip that a new headset (in this case your PC microphone and speakers or your PC headset) is connected.

Now your calls initiated by MPE will be redirected to the devices on your computer.

Please note: It's not possible to connect MPE and "Audio Gateway" at the same time via Bluetooth, anyway you've set this option ("save energy=off") in your phone. If MPE is connected via bluetooth and you'll do a call, the call is still remaining on the phone. So the only (known) way is to connect MPE and your phone via USB cable.

With MS's Bluetooth stack, available since XP SP2, this is not possible because there's no audio support.

Tipp from a MyPhoneExplorer-User:
Tried with a "Jabra Bluetooth Headset".
• Press the "Voice-Dial"-Button on the headset
• Dial the number with MyPhoneExplorer
• Now the phone transfers the call correct to the headset

Another way: Emulate the dialstring on the phones keyboard.
MyPhoneExplorer can "press" the numbers on the phones keyboard - through this hack the call is always redirected the right way to PC. Open the file general.ini with notepad. You'll find it in MyPhoneExplorer's database-folder. Then - direct below "[Main]" make a new line called "EmulateDialString=1". Please note that you have to unlock the phones keyboard to use this tweak.
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 15.02.2006
Beiträge: 31526
Wohnort: Tirol

BeitragVerfasst am: Fr Sep 14, 2007 15:55 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

Keyboard Shortcuts

Globale Hotkeys:
- [CTRL+F] searching in Lists
- [CTRL+F6] opens the "Dial"-Window
- [CTRL+F7] opens the "New message"-Window
- [F1] Connect/Disconnect the phone
- [F2] Open the settingswindow
- [F4] or [Alt+F4] Close MyPhoneExplorer

Contacts and Organizerview:
- if you type the first letters the list will scroll to the first matching entry (it depends on the Sort-mode)
- [Enter] opens the "Edit"-Window
- [Ins] creates a new Entry
- [Del] marks a entry to delete

SMS List:
- [Enter] opens the Properties-window
- [Del] delete selected messages
- [Ins] opens the "New message"-Window
- [CTRL+C] copies the messagetext into the windows-clipboard

the most lists support also this shortcuts:
- [CTRL+A] mark all
- [CTRL+S] send a new message to the selected entry
- [CTRL+D] shows the dialwindow for the selected person

"New message"-Window:
- [CTRL+S], [CTRL+Enter] send the message
- [CTRL+U] upload the message to drafts
- [CTRL+K] formats the text, so that it needs less space
- [CTRL+I] opens favoritesmenu
- [CTRL+P] opens phonebook

Shortcuts for "Control phone"
- [0-9] = Numberkeys on the phone
- [+],[#] = Star, Hashkey
- [Enter] = Joystick press
- Cursor = move Joystick
- [Space] = Lock/Unloack phone keypad
- [Back], [Del] = Key "C" on the phone
- [Pos1], [End] = Key "Back" on the phone
- "L", [Shift]+Arrow left = left softkey
- "R", [Shift]+Arrow right = right softkey
- "+", "-" = Volume keys on the phone

Zuletzt bearbeitet von FJ am Fr März 13, 2009 08:29, insgesamt 3-mal bearbeitet
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BeitragVerfasst am: Di Sep 18, 2007 23:11 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

Windows setup starts instead of MyPhoneExplorer

You want to start MyPhoneExplorer but instead of that, you get an error message
asking you to install another program (i.e. "HP Memory Disc")

This is a bug in the windows setup-host based in some registry settings.

Recommended solution:
- reinstall the requested software
- run the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility from Microsoft
- clean your registry using tools like RegSeeker
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 15.02.2006
Beiträge: 31526
Wohnort: Tirol

BeitragVerfasst am: Do Aug 14, 2008 19:52 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

Sidebar-Gadget does not work in Vista 64bit

The gadget has to connect to a library which is written for 32bit-Applications. This incompatibility cannot be fixed cause i'm not able to write 64bit Applications.

There is also a 32bit-Sidebar integrated in Vista 64bit. Its located in C:\Program files (x86)\Windows Sidebar\sidebar.exe . Disable in the 64bit-Version of the sidebar that it will be started with windows and add a link to the 32bit-Version in the Autostart-Folder of the Startmenu.
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Anmeldedatum: 15.02.2006
Beiträge: 31526
Wohnort: Tirol

BeitragVerfasst am: Sa Mai 30, 2009 13:18 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

When sending messages an error appears, but the message was correctly delivered to the recipient

Its a known problem of many newer models. The USB-Signal is low, when sending messages the connection breaks down.
- do NOT use USB-Hubs
- do NOT use the Front-USB of your PC
- use only the rear USB-Port of the PC and use only the delivered USB-cable
- check if the connector on the phone is clean

If it still doesnt work then the only solution is to try it with another PC and/or cable.
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Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 15.02.2006
Beiträge: 31526
Wohnort: Tirol

BeitragVerfasst am: Sa Jan 26, 2013 01:27 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

MyPhoneExplorer crashes, in the Logfile the first line is: Machine works as Double-Byte-Character-System!

Due technical reasons MyPhoneExplorer has problem to work in environments with enabled DBCS-Mode. This issue cannot be fixed. As workaround you can disable the DBCS-Mode by selecting a SBCS-Language as System charset (f.e. English). But this may affect also other applications. Another solution is to run MyPhoneExplorer in "XP Mode" which is available on Windows 7 Professional. This issue affects the most computers in China, Korea, Japan and Thailand

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