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 Obex error: No carrier Nächstes Thema anzeigen
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BeitragVerfasst am: Mi Okt 04, 2006 20:05 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben


I am sure this has been answered before but have trawled through the entire english section and havent been able to help.

The program used to work fine and now I am suddenly getting errors. I uninstalled and then reinstalled and did a phone search. It found my SE k750i on com5. It downloaded my contacts, call logs and messages but I couldnt access anything else. Turned off phone, waited, restarted computer etc.... Now I get a message saying that it cant find com5 and the error message Obex Protocol could not be initialised. Obex message: No carrier.

I reloaded the drivers and restarted the computer and the phone and MPE and am still getting the same message. Although now it cant find my phone at all.

Please help as this is an excellent program.


BeitragVerfasst am: Mi Okt 04, 2006 20:54 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

Hi Jus,

how do you connect your phone (USB, BT, IR)?
It would be helpful if you connect the phone and after getting that error posting the logfile here.

br ...

BeitragVerfasst am: Do Okt 05, 2006 03:10 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben


I connect via usb. It used to work so not sure what has changed at all!

Now I may be blonde but how do I do the log file thingy?

Cheers for your quick reply!

BeitragVerfasst am: Do Okt 05, 2006 03:16 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

Oops, shouild have read your reply properly! Here is the bug log

Logdatei MyPhoneExplorer
Programmversion: 1.4.5
Datum: 10/5/2006

10:41:02.75 Setting Port: 5
10:41:02.75 Setting Baud: 57600
10:41:02.77 Avaiable Ports: COM1=\Device\Serial0; COM2=\Device\Serial1; COM3=Winachcf0;
10:41:03.59 frmSplash geladen
10:41:09.59 Mainfenster wird geladen
10:41:10.75 Sidebar fertig geladen
10:41:10.75 Aktiviere Subclassing
10:41:10.99 UC SMS wird geladen
10:41:11.32 UC Phonebook wird geladen
10:41:11.59 UC Phonebook fertig geladen
10:41:11.61 UC Calls wird geladen
10:41:12.20 UC Organizer wird geladen
10:41:13.94 DoItemUpdate
10:41:14.32 DoItemUpdate fertig
10:41:15.37 UC Notes wird geladen
10:41:15.43 UC Calls wird geladen
10:41:16.43 Setting Lastuser: Sony Ericsson K750 [356554007547835]
10:41:16.44 Lade Userdatenbank: Sony Ericsson K750 [356554007547835]
10:41:16.49 GMT Einstellungen geladen
10:41:16.53 InfoSMS geladen
10:41:16.54 Notizeintrag gesetzt
10:41:16.55 Usermenü aktualisiert
10:41:17.08 Kontakte geladen
10:41:17.13 DoItemUpdate
10:41:17.52 DoItemUpdate fertig
10:41:17.53 Organizer geladen
10:41:17.56 Notizen geladen
10:41:17.59 SMS - Datenbank wird geladen...
10:41:18.03 SMS Laden - Readfile: 20 Split: 10 Parse: 431 HandleMultiSMS: 0 Nachrichten: 117
10:41:18.60 SMS geladen
10:41:19.13 Anrufe geladen
10:41:20.49 Mainfenster fertig geladen
10:41:26.38 Port 5 wird geöffnet...
10:41:28.09 Systemerror: 2 [The system cannot find the file specified.]
10:41:40.21 Port 1 wird geöffnet...
10:41:40.23 Einstellungen werden gesetzt (9600, N, 8, 1)
10:41:40.24 Puffer werden gesetzt...(8192)
10:41:40.24 Settimeout: RT=2000 WT=200
10:41:40.75 Port 1 wurde geöffnet !
10:41:40.77 Settimeout: RT=2000 WT=500
10:41:40.80 [TX]: AT+CBC
10:41:42.80 ReadFile Fehler: Systemerror: 0 [The operation completed successfully.]
10:41:42.84 Port 1 wird geschlossen
10:41:42.88 Port 2 wird geöffnet...
10:41:42.89 Einstellungen werden gesetzt (9600, N, 8, 1)
10:41:42.89 Puffer werden gesetzt...(8192)
10:41:42.90 Settimeout: RT=2000 WT=200
10:41:43.41 Port 2 wurde geöffnet !
10:41:43.44 Settimeout: RT=2000 WT=500
10:41:43.44 [TX]: AT+CBC
10:41:45.45 ReadFile Fehler: Systemerror: 0 [The operation completed successfully.]
10:41:45.49 Port 2 wird geschlossen
10:41:45.54 Port 3 wird geöffnet...
10:41:46.24 Einstellungen werden gesetzt (9600, N, 8, 1)
10:41:46.24 Puffer werden gesetzt...(8192)
10:41:46.25 Settimeout: RT=2000 WT=200
10:41:46.75 Port 3 wurde geöffnet !
10:41:46.77 Settimeout: RT=2000 WT=500
10:41:46.79 [TX]: AT+CBC
10:41:46.80 [RX]: AT+CBC
10:41:46.82 [RX]: ERROR
10:42:32.57 DoItemUpdate
10:42:33.00 DoItemUpdate fertig
10:42:55.74 Terminate Subclass
10:42:55.75 Unload Iconlib
10:42:55.76 Terminate Tray
10:42:55.83 ClosePort
10:42:55.83 Port 3 wird geschlossen
10:42:55.84 Terminate: Calls
10:42:55.85 Terminate: PB
10:42:55.87 Terminate: Notes
10:42:55.89 Terminate: Organizer
10:42:55.95 Terminate: SMS
10:42:56.03 SMS - Datenbank wird gespeichert...
10:42:56.20 Form_QueryUnload -> Ende
10:42:56.21 Unload: frmSplash
10:42:56.24 Form_Unload -> Ende
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 15.02.2006
Beiträge: 31535
Wohnort: Tirol

BeitragVerfasst am: Do Okt 05, 2006 07:18 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

- Your phone was not connected to MyPhoneExplorer
- or you have a problem with the driver

Please check this and after that post the log again (if it doesn't work)
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BeitragVerfasst am: Mi Okt 11, 2006 16:47 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

Thanks heaps for your help and sorry about delay in reply.

I worked out what the problem was. I wasnt using the "safely remove hardware' icon when disconnecting my phone from the usb. This made my computer not recognise the phone when I reconnected. It now works great thankyou very much!

This is great software. Keep up the good work!

Cheers again for all your help.


BeitragVerfasst am: Mi Okt 11, 2006 16:49 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

oh and I also have to disconnect my fax before I connect the phone as MPE thinks that my fax is my cell and therefore cant connect. No biggy at all.
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