Anmeldedatum: 02.05.2019
Beiträge: 5
Wohnort: New Zealand
Verfasst am:
Do Jan 07, 2021 04:15
When I sync between Outlook on Windows 10 and my Samsung tablet Android 10 the above message pops up. Click on OK and the synchronisation works perfectly.
So its not a major but is annoying. Any suggestions?
Pops up where? Your PC? Your tablet? Is the pop-up from MPE? Is it from Windows/Android? Noone can give a proper answer until you provide more information.
_________________ Dave
Carpe diem ...
Anmeldedatum: 02.05.2019
Beiträge: 5
Wohnort: New Zealand
Verfasst am:
Do Jan 07, 2021 21:18
It pops up on the screen of the PC. As to where it comes from is a good question, there is no indication on the message.
Is there a way to attach a file or copy an image? If so I can show you the actual popup on the screen.
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