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Die Suche hat 11 Ergebnisse ergeben.
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Thema: Can't copy SMS from archive to other phone

Antworten: 1
Aufrufe: 5004

BeitragForum: English section   Verfasst am: Di Okt 29, 2019 21:44   Titel: Can't copy SMS from archive to other phone
help, anyone ???
Thema: Can't copy SMS from archive to other phone

Antworten: 1
Aufrufe: 5004

BeitragForum: English section   Verfasst am: Mi Okt 16, 2019 14:22   Titel: Can't copy SMS from archive to other phone
I want to migrate SMS history from a phone in the source phone MPE profile copy SMS conversations to Archive
create a new MPE profile for the spare phone
copy \SourcePhone\SMSArchive.dat to \sparePh ...
Thema: Crashing when I sync (Microsoft Office 2016, Galaxy Note 5)

Antworten: 1
Aufrufe: 2635

BeitragForum: English section   Verfasst am: Mi März 29, 2017 09:40   Titel: Microsoft I Office has run into an error
I just migrated computers, moving my Outlook PST files from Win7 + Outlook 2010 to Win10 + Outlook 2016, and just hit this problem too.

It looks like everytime I attempt to sync a second time any p ...
Thema: Bug: incorrect handling of backslash when syncing files

Antworten: 2
Aufrufe: 3520

BeitragForum: English section   Verfasst am: Do Aug 04, 2016 11:04   Titel: Re: Bug: incorrect handling of backslash when syncing files
There's a workaround: in the Source field if you manually add a third slash, making it \\\MyNAS\MyDirectory then the sync works as expected

Super, you made my day Very Happy !!!
(I bumped again ...
Thema: Sync contacts & groups between two Android devices

Antworten: 7
Aufrufe: 5053

BeitragForum: English section   Verfasst am: Fr März 21, 2014 15:25   Titel: Sync contacts & groups between two Android devices
Perhaps not the best place to ask, but now that we returned to MPE to sync the contacts for the two Android Devices, does anyone here know how to get rid of unused built-in Groups in Android: if Outlo ...
Thema: Sync contacts & groups between two Android devices

Antworten: 7
Aufrufe: 5053

BeitragForum: English section   Verfasst am: Mi März 19, 2014 19:00   Titel: Sync contacts & groups between two Android devices

Belive me, it´s not that bad.
Well, it's not for me, but for a "computer illiterate" user Confused
Thema: Sync contacts & groups between two Android devices

Antworten: 7
Aufrufe: 5053

BeitragForum: English section   Verfasst am: Mi März 19, 2014 11:20   Titel: Sync contacts & groups between two Android devices
Can MPE be used (in a simple, elegant way) to synchronize contacts and groups between two Android devices (a Samsung Galaxy ACE (S5830, Android 2.3.5 Gingerbread) and a Samsung Galaxy Note 10 (N-8000, ...
Thema: Old appointments are submitted for editing

Antworten: 11
Aufrufe: 10296

BeitragForum: English section   Verfasst am: Do März 13, 2014 19:07   Titel: Old appointments are submitted for editing
To add to this discussion:
I am also seeing this.
It looks like it happens ONLY when I attempt to perform synchronization (multi-sync, usually from the Win7 desktop gadget) shortly (i.e. a few minut ...
Thema: one time import of Samsung memos

Antworten: 1
Aufrufe: 2270

BeitragForum: English section   Verfasst am: Mi Okt 23, 2013 22:37   Titel: one time import of Samsung memos
I have many existing memos in the Samsung phone, any suggestions to migrate them (one way, one time) to MPE Notes (to eventually sync to Outlook) ?
I believe there is no way to sync MPE with Samsung ...
Thema: Colour coding in Outlook 2010 - Does not get updated

Antworten: 4
Aufrufe: 3759

BeitragForum: English section   Verfasst am: Mi Okt 23, 2013 15:06   Titel: Colour coding in Outlook 2010 - Does not get updated
connected to about the same topic:

Can I safely assume that the appointment colors (as set by Outlook categories) are visible but NOT EDITABLE on th ...
Thema: Event color in S planner (Galaxy S4 Mini LTE)

Antworten: 1
Aufrufe: 2513

BeitragForum: English section   Verfasst am: Di Okt 22, 2013 11:15   Titel: Event color in S planner (Galaxy S4 Mini LTE)
Sorry for this stupid basic question...more a Samsung Android issue than MPE...being new to Android, I wonder where I can set/change the color of the appointments made with Outlook 2010 categories and ...

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